Distributed Power Project Management
INNIO's Jenbacher Gas Engines Services Provider

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Power supply

Power supply The launch of a new or modernization of an existing power or process facility in modern production is a complex task. Its solution always begins with a examination of facilities which is carried out under the technical and technological audit main production and conservation enterprises to estimate the cost of fuel, electricity and heat, water and other energy.

The next stage is connected with the selection of optimal technical and organizational solutions - technologies, equipment, methods of interaction of suppliers, financing schemes, etc., which form the basis of the main document - feasibility study of the project submitted for consideration by the customer. EnergoTechService chief engineer office participates in the examination of all the documentation on the project at the stage of its preparation, and in the course of the project.
  • pre-design inspection of objects;
  • technical and technological audit;
  • selection of technical solutions;
  • energy audit and resource-saving;
  • preparation of a feasibility study of construction projects and modernization of energy facilities;
  • examination of project and working documentation;
  • development of automation, accounting, monitoring and dispatching systems;
  • technical supervision and methodical management of the personnel;
  • interaction with regional supervisory authorities;
  • interaction with suppliers and consumers of energy resources;
  • Coordination of the work of units that are part of the Chief Engineer Service (production technology department, central control unit, relay protection and automatic equipment, automatic control system of the enterprise). 

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